Ministry From Abundance

Orchid and Light

“Self-care is never a selfish act- it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give it the care it requires, we do so not only for ourselves but for the many others whose lives we touch.”

–   Parker Palmer  “Let Your Life Speak”


Sustainable Ministry

 Sustainable ministry is a way of ministering that is life-giving to both the giver and the receiver. It flows from a sense of inner abundance. Many in ministry and religious life were originally drawn by this sense of abundance and desire to serve others.  Unfortunately it is easy to get so busy attending to the needs of others that we neglect our own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and become depleted.  

 grand canyon sunset


Depletion is common in ministerial life. When the energy we spend in ministry outpaces the nourishment we take in, we can end up exhausted, isolated, or struggling with unhealthy behaviors.

 Many factors contribute to depletion, including staff shortages, endless need, lack of self-care or boundaries, and unrealistic expectations.  Communities also struggle with a collective sense of depletion as they face group losses and transitions. 

  Keeping Ministry Life-Giving

To address depletion and to continue to minister in a sustainable way, it is essential to take time to attend to personal and community needs.  Time for rest, reflection, prayer, and self-care are required. However, there can be many barriers to this, including guilt, denial, needs of others, and overcrowded schedules.

Ministry From Abundance Workshopsbowl c

This workshop series focuses on various components of sustainable ministry. Each workshop provides practical tools for promoting joyful, life-long ministry. Topics include: 

   *Abundance and Depletion


   *Healthy boundaries   

   *Healthy Community

   *Conflict Management

These workshops have been received very positively and have been a catalyst for rich, ongoing community discussions.